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Flipped Learning

Flipped Classroom is an attempt to break away from the passive, assembly-line form of teaching that riddles our current educational system. Teachers generate content (video/ text lessons) that are handed over to the learner prior to class, and encourage the students to learn at their own pace. This methodology has proved yet another step towards personalized, self-paced, and learner-driven education.

Discovery Room

The Discovery Room provides the children with ample opportunity to learn, explore and discover beyond the confines of their regular classrooms. Equipped with a puppet theatre, role play facilities, tools to experiment and learn, books ,puzzles and toys, the children look forward to their weekly visit to the Discovery Room.

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Interactive workshops

These are organized on a regular basis as they get an opportunity to interact with various authors and specialists.

Writer's Workshop

From October to December, the students participate in the Writers’ Workshop. It provides an individualized curriculum that caters to all types of learners. Adele Fiderer, Lucy McCormick Calkins and their colleagues developed this method in the USA. The Writers’ Workshop encourages children to write original and personally meaningful pieces, which are then polished and improved upon, by drafting and redrafting. Publishing one’s work, i.e. being read by others is the motivation that drives children to do their best. Students work is pinned on the School Bulletin Board and included in the School‘s Annual Magazine.

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Research & Referral

The objective of Research and Referral is to develop questioning minds and creative thinkers for life. The focus is on imagination and creativity, logic and reasoning, conceptual thinking and reflection. Students brainstorm together to come up with research questions and then outline the methods of investigation. The teacher student ratio is 1:10. The process culminates into a project report or model which is unique in its conception and creation, carrying the individual imprint of every child.

Reading Writing Club

The Reading Club is geared towards helping children develop language skills beyond the framework of an academic curriculum. It entails activities that enhance creative expression, writing skills, fluency in reading, group dynamics and library etiquettes.

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Reading Programme

Reading is the bedrock of a learner’s success. Apart from its proven ability to enhance language skills, it increases knowledge and self esteem and boosts memory. It is with this in mind that we launched a ‘Reading Programme’ for the children. The objective is to ensure that every child reads four books which are identified by the English teachers. Each student receives a copy of the designated book with the number of pages to be read, specified for each week (students of course can read the book at one sitting, if they so wish) such that one book can be read within 6 weeks. There is a fortnightly discussion, focused on vocabulary, plot and characterization based on the reading part covered. Closure is provided in the form of a series of fun activities.

Life Skills

Working with teenager’s year on year, we have realized that the turmoil that adolescents experience requires a focused, concerted effort. As the lines separating childhood and adulthood disappear, our youth faces a myriad of dilemmas not just in their academics but also social interactions and personal management.

Life skills is an initiative born out of this felt need. Life skills sessions are designed around self discovery, self improvement, and peer-to-peer support. The facilitator creates an atmosphere where the young adult may feel free, express, be heard, and seek solutions. Our life skills education happens through workshops, classroom sessions, collaborative activities, and class-wise performance-based Special Assemblies.

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School Trips

Students from all the classes have the opportunity to undertake educational excursions within the city and outside the city. The places visited are such that the learning from there dovetails with classroom learning. Besides the huge learning that students carry back from the outdoor trips, they also bond closely with teachers and friends and the spirit of independence in each one of them receives a big shot in the arm.

Extra-curricular/Personality Development Activities

A whole gamut of extra-curricular and personality development activities at AIS Jaipur provide every child with a ‘stage’ where they can gain the ‘confidence to outshine’. Our aim is to provide a proper environment for the all-round development of the child. There is an interesting range of activities outside lessons which help develop the overall personality of the children. All children are Actively encouraged to participate in these extracurricular activities organized for them and as a result have outshone many others, in external competitions.

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Annual Day & Carnivals

Cultural Programmes, Science Fairs, Exhibition and Fun-filled Games are organized regularly. They are creatively designed, encouraging 100% participation of children and parents. These events aren’t just a celebration, but also develop planning, organization and team effort abilities in the students. The gracious presence of distinguished personalities always inspires our students to even greater heights of achievement.